
Pukeko Class
February 2016

Welcome back, and more importantly welcome to
We hope that you have all had a restful and fun holiday, we look forward to hearing all about what you have been up to. You will have two teachers in Pukeko Class, Mrs McTague will teach on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Bryant on Thursday and Friday.

Class Program: Reading, Writing and Maths take place on a daily basis. RE this term will be based on an integrated unit called ‘One World, One Heart Beating’ as well as a focus on Holy Week and Easter.
We would like to continue to use book bags to bring readers home each day, so please encourage the children to get into this habit as soon as possible using the same bag as last year. Please record their daily Reading in the “My Home Reading” Journal. This will support the classroom programme. As the term progresses we will introduce weekly spelling.
Uniform: The children need their hat and PE uniform every day. Please encourage your child to bring their named PE gear to school on Monday and leave it in their cubby until Friday so that it is available at all times.
Rubbish Free: A reminder that we are a rubbish free school so we encourage you to use containers that can be reused. All rubbish is taken home.

This year we are going to have the theme of CURIOSITY. We are looking forward to finding out about all sorts of People, Places and Things, beginning with us.

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